since は「~して以来」「~以来」「その後」などの意味のある語で、接続詞、前置詞、副詞として使われます。
接続詞の since は節を導きます。
前置詞の since は名詞、句を導きます。
副詞の since は単独で使われます。
since ~: ~して以来(接続詞)
The athletes have appeared on a lot of TV programs since they won the championship.
They have been at odds since they had a quarrel.
More than 10 million people have been displaced from their homes since the war began.
(戦争が始まって以来、1,000 万人以上の人々が家を追われた。)
since ~: ~以来(前置詞)
It’s been raining since yesterday.
Our sales have doubled since launching a new product.
She has been absent since Monday.
since: それ以来、その後(副詞)
We moved ten years ago and have been living here ever since.
The war began last year, and inflation has accelerated ever since.
He first got a job last April, and has since changed his job once.
・接続詞 since ~ 「 ~して以来」
・前置詞 since ~ 「 ~以来」
・副詞 since 「それ以来、その後」