“something to do” は 「名詞 to 不定詞」の組み合わせです。
「名詞 to 不定詞」 には to の前の名詞が不定詞の目的語になる場合と意味上の主語になる場合があります。
“something to do” では、something は do の目的語になっています。
“(You) do something.” (何かをする)となります。
「名詞 to 不定詞」:名詞が不定詞の目的語
I have some liquor to declare.
He was considering appropriate words to say.
She was looking for something to eat in the kitchen.
以下、”something to ~”
something to drink
something to wear
something to play with
something to think of
something to talk about
「名詞 to 不定詞」:名詞が不定詞の意味上の主語
There are a number of topics to be discussed at the meeting.
A number of topics are discussed at the meeting.
We are living in an environment to change over a long period of time.
You should avoid an effort to make matters worse.
・「名詞 to 不定詞」で、名詞が不定詞の目的語となる場合
“something to declare,” etc.
・「名詞 to 不定詞」で、名詞が不定詞の意味上の主語となる場合
“topics to be discussed,” etc.